A professor and a student embrace on the commencement stage during the ceremony

Congratulations to our graduates of 2025!

We are looking forward to sharing this very special day with you and your families. The 2025 Tufts University Commencement Ceremony will take place at the Somerville/Medford campus on Sunday, May 18th.

Event Overview

The All-University Ceremony consists of greetings by University President Sunil Kumar, the presentation of honorary degrees, an address by the Commencement speaker, and the overall conferring of degrees by the Board of Trustees. During this segment, the graduates of each school of the University who are in attendance will be asked to rise and stand as a group in place while the degrees are conferred. At the conclusion of these events, all graduates will march out in a recessional and go to their respective graduation sites for the school-specific graduation ceremonies. All attendees will have to present identification or an access pass to attend the All-University Ceremony. Please note that the ceremony will proceed regardless of weather but may be abbreviated in case of inclement weather.

All University Ceremony

Date: Sunday, May 18, 2025
Location: The Green (Between Ballou Hall & Bendetson Hall), Tufts University Medford Campus
Time: 9:00 am

Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy Commencement Ceremony

Location: Cohen Auditorium, 40 Talbot Avenue, Medford Campus
Time: 11:00 am

The Friedman School-only ceremony where we will honor individual graduates and award winners. It will immediately follow the all-university Commencement and we will assemble at Cohen Auditorium (40 Talbot Avenue, Medford, MA) at approximately 11:00am. The ceremony will begin promptly at 11:30am.

We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2025!

Event Details

A photographer will be available to take photos before, during and after the ceremony. Once we receive information that the photographs are ready, you will be notified so that you can view them online and order them directly through the photographer.

Approximately 14,000 people will attend the All-University graduation. If you are driving to the campus, Campus Police officers on-site will direct you to park in designated parking areas/lots. Shuttle buses will run from the Gantcher Athletic Center and the Dowling Parking Facility to the various graduation sites. If you are planning to use the shuttle service, please plan your timing accordingly. The shuttles can be quite full and also delayed due to the overall number of people attending Commencement.

Additional information, including maps and shuttle schedules, can be found on the Tufts Commencement website. 

If you choose to take public transportation, you have two options via the train. The Green Line Tufts/Medford station is across from campus, on the corner of College Avenue and Boston Avenue.

Additionally, you can take the Red Line to the Davis Square station. Exit the Davis Square Station on the College Avenue side. You may take the #94 or #96 bus and if so, ask the driver to stop across from the Memorial Steps at Tufts University, just before the intersection of College and Boston Avenues. You can also walk 15 minutes along College Avenue to the Tufts campus. If you walk, turn right out of the subway station and follow College Avenue around a traffic circle. The Tufts Campus will be on your left.

View detailed directions to the Medford Campus.

Please be advised that If guests require access accommodations at our All-University Commencement Ceremony, please contact the Commencement Office at (617) 627-3636 before May 1st.

Additional information regarding disability services at Commencement may be viewed on the Tufts University website.

If you have a family member in a wheelchair and would like to request special seating at the Friedman School ceremony, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at

Hotel Information

Please be aware that there is not a room block or guaranteed pricing at any hotel. Parents and guests are urged to make arrangements and reservations as soon as possible because space is at a premium this time of year.

Please visit the Tufts University Area Hotels site for a list of hotels near the Medford campus. 

Medford On-Campus Housing Options

Tufts University Conference and Event Services will provide a limited number of on-campus housing options. More information may be found on their website, and you should make your reservation no later than April 25, 2025.

The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy will follow Covid regulations and guidelines put forth by Tufts University. Please check this website, as well as for updates surrounding Commencement 2025.