Expand your academic horizons by cross registering for courses at other Tufts Schools and our Boston Consortium Schools. Whether you're interested in a specialized course that isn't offered at Friedman or simply want to diversify your academic portfolio, cross-registration opens up a unique opportunity.

Please note, our cross-registration partnerships pause in the summer semester with other Tufts Schools, and our consortium schools listed below so you may not cross-register in the summer semester with these schools or you will be billed the host school's tuition charge. The one exception to this are classes offered at Tufts Public Health. These courses are open for cross-registration year-round.

  • Good news — if you want to cross-register for a Tufts Graduate-Level course (with a course number of 100 or higher) use the Tufts Cross-Registration via SIS (only applicable for Tufts courses and NOT for HSPH or Boston Consortium courses).
  • To submit a Cross-Registration Request, log in to SIS, go to the top navigation tab titled, “Classes” and select “Cross-Registration” from the drop-down filter; click here to review the step-by-step instructions with screenshots.
  • For more detailed information about Friedman's Cross-Registration Policies, please refer to the Policies and Procedures Handbook.
  • Friedman students may NOT cross-register at any Tufts Schools in the Summer semester except at Tufts Public Health.
  • Dual Degree MS/MPH students do not need to cross-register- please follow emailed instructions sent prior to registration.
  • This webpage provides BU's cross-registration policies and dated deadlines: https://www.bu.edu/reg/registration/consortia/ 
  • You may only cross-register in one BU course per semester that's associated with a BU graduate degree program.
  • Important to note: Tufts students may not cross-register in BU’s Online or Hybrid courses per the BU’s Provost Office (no exceptions). Also, if you would like to cross register for a course at BU's School of Public Health (SPH), you must contact an SPH representative for registration approval. Contact the School of Public Health Registrar’s Office at sphregr@bu.edu or 617-358-3434.
  • Email the Friedman School's Registrar for a pre-signed BU cross-registration form, then obtain necessary approvals, and submit to BU's Registrar's Office.
  • Forward BU's cross-registration approval email notification to you to Friedman's Registrar so we can cross-reference with BU's official list of approved Tufts students that each Tufts Schools' Registrar's Office receives after the start of the semester and ensure that your name is listed so the course can be added to your schedule in SIS.
  • You must adhere to BU's Add/Drop deadlines and email Friedman's Registrar with a Drop Request in order for BU's Registrar's Office to be officially notified (as long as it's in advance of BU's drop deadline).
  • A four-credit BU course is converted at the Friedman School to three semester hour units (shus).
  • If you are cross-registered in a BU course in your graduating semester the final grade from BU's Registrar's Office must be received by the Friedman School’s final grades deadline as noted on Friedman’s Academic Calendar. If the final grade is not received by the Friedman deadline, you will not be approved to graduate (candidates for graduation may not have any missing grades on their final transcript). As a result, your graduation will be delayed by a semester and you will be billed any applicable continuation fees and associated semester fees for the additional semester. 
  • Also, if you would like to cross register for a course at BU's School of Public Health (SPH), you must contact an SPH representative for registration approval. Contact the School of Public Health Registrar’s Office at sphregr@bu.edu or 617-358-3434.
  • Friedman students may NOT cross-register at any Boston Consortium Schools or at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the summer semester.
  • Friedman students may apply no more than 12 semester hour units toward the fulfillment of their degree requirements from a non-Tufts school cross-registration partner. (Courses taken via cross-registration at other Tufts University schools do not count toward the 12 semester hour units limit.) 
  • While you are planning your Spring course schedules, please note if you plan to graduate in Spring, you may only enroll in a first half of the Spring semester HSPH course because the Spring HSPH full-semester and Spring second half of the semester courses will not be able to provide a final grade in time for you to be able to graduate in Spring. If you decide to go this route, you will be shifted to graduating in Summer in SIS (instead of Spring). To be clear, you cannot graduate with any missing grades on your transcript and HSPH cannot provide final grades in advance of their deadline.
  • The Friedman School has a cross-registration partnership with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH). The Friedman does NOT have a cross-registration partnership with any other Harvard School.
  • Review HSPH's directions for cross-registration via the web portal very carefully; especially the detail about adding yourself to a course's waitlist: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/r-o-student-knowledge-center/cross-registering-into-hsph-from-tufts-mgh-and-mit/
  • To cross-register in an HSPH course, you must use the My.Harvard cross-registration portal to set up a "Harvard key" (you will be prompted to enter your student ID #). You will then receive an email from Harvard IT asking you to validate your Harvard key. This will give you access to your own course enrollment page for cross-registration: http://My.Harvard.edu.
  • HSPH Cross-Registration Process and Policies: It is your responsibility to know the HSPH Add/Drop deadlines for full-time semester and first-half semester and second-half semester HSPH courses, as well as the required process to drop a course and the required process to request a late drop (after HSPH's Add/Drop deadline). Please read HSPH's cross-registration overview webpages: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/r-o-student-knowledge-center/cross-registration-into-hsph-policies/ and https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/r-o-student-knowledge-center/.
  • Click here to review HSPH's cross-registration instructions with screenshots. If you have any technical issues with the new HSPH cross-registration system, please email registrar@hsph.harvard.edu and attach a screenshot of the received error message.
  • Please email Friedman's Registrar if you dropped through the HSPH cross-registration online portal your course to ensure that the HSPH course is dropped from your Friedman academic record/transcript.
  • If you are on a waitlist for an HSPH course and you no longer want to take the course you must submit a drop request via the HSPH cross-registration portal in advance of the HSPH's Drop deadline otherwise you may be enrolled in the course from the waitlist and will miss the Drop deadline.
  • Please email Friedman's Registrar if you are officially approved by HSPH to cross-register in a course(s) this way we can cross-reference with HSPH's official list of approved Tufts students that each Tufts Schools' Registrar's Office receives and ensure that your name is listed so the course can be added to your schedule in SIS.

Below are the Friedman semester hour units that will appear on your transcript for the following HSPH credits:

- HSPH courses that are 1.25 credits are equivalent to .75 semester hour units at Friedman.
- HSPH courses that are 2.5 credits are equivalent to 1.5 semester hour units at Friedman.
- HSPH courses that are 5.0 credits are equivalent to 3.0 semester hour units at Friedman. 

  • Please note HSPH indicates on their cross-registration webpage that online courses are not eligible for cross-registration.
  • While you are planning your Fall and Spring course schedules, please note if you plan to graduate in Spring, you can only enroll in a first half of the Spring semester HSPH course because the HSPH Spring full-semester and Spring second half of the spring semester courses will not be able to provide a final grade in time for you to be able to graduate in May. If you decide to go this route, you will be shifted to graduating in Summer that year via SIS (instead of Spring). To be clear, you cannot graduate with any missing grades on your transcript and HSPH cannot provide final grades in advance of their deadline.
  • This webpage provides Brandeis' cross-registration policies and deadlines: https://www.brandeis.edu/registrar/registration/consortium.html
  • Email Friedman's Registrar for a pre-signed Brandeis cross-registration form, then obtain necessary approvals, and submit to Brandeis' Registrar's Office.
  • Forward Brandeis' cross-registration approval email notification to you to Friedman's Registrar so we can cross-reference with Brandeis' official list of approved Tufts students that each Tufts Schools' Registrar's Office receives after the start of the semester and ensure that your name is listed so the course can be added to your schedule in SIS.
  • You must adhere to Brandeis University's Add/Drop deadlines and email Friedman's Registrar with a Drop Request in order for Brandeis University's Registrar's Office to be officially notified (as long as it's in advance of Brandeis University's drop deadline).
  • If you are cross-registered in a Brandeis course in your graduating semester the final grade from Brandeis University's Registrar's Office must be received by the Friedman School’s final grades deadline as noted on Friedman’s Academic Calendar. If the final grade is not received by the Friedman School deadline, you will not be approved to graduate (candidates for graduation may not have any missing grades on their final transcript). As a result, your graduation will be delayed by a semester, and you will be billed any applicable continuation fees and associated semester fees for the additional semester. ​
  • Friedman students may apply no more than 12 semester hour units toward the fulfillment of their degree requirements from a non-Tufts school cross-registration partner. (Courses taken via cross-registration at other Tufts University schools do not count toward the 12 semester hour units limit.) 
  • Review Boston College's cross-registration webpage, as well as link to their academic calendar at: https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/offices/student-services/registrar/course-registration/cross-registration.html 
  • Email Friedman School's Registrar for a pre-signed Boston College cross-registration form, then obtain necessary approvals, and submit to Boston College's Registrar's Office.
  • Forward Boston College's cross-registration approval email notification to you to Friedman School's Registrar so we can cross-reference with Brandeis' official list of approved Tufts students that each Tufts Schools' Registrar's Office receives after the start of the semester and ensure that your name is listed so the course can be added to your schedule in SIS.
  • You must adhere to Boston College's Add/Drop deadlines and email Friedman School's Registrar with a Drop Request in order for Boston College's Registrar's Office to be officially notified (as long as it's in advance of Boston College's drop deadline).
  • If you are cross-registered in a Boston College course in your graduating semester the final grade from Boston College's Registrar's Office must be received by the Friedman School’s final grades deadline as noted on Friedman School's Academic Calendar. If the final grade is not received by the Friedman School's deadline, you will not be approved to graduate (candidates for graduation may not have any missing grades on their final transcript). As a result, your graduation will be delayed by a semester and you will be billed any applicable continuation fees and associated semester fees for the additional semester. 
  • Friedman students may apply no more than 12 semester hour units toward the fulfillment of their degree requirements from a non-Tufts school cross-registration partner. (Courses taken via cross-registration at other Tufts University schools do not count toward the 12 semester hour units limit.)