Our 2,000+ alumni are working in the community and around the world, propelling the Friedman School mission to advance the nutritional well-being of people everywhere. We give graduates like you a world of ways to stay connected with fellow alumni and get involved by volunteering, mentoring, networking, and attending upcoming events.

Hirsh Health Sciences Library interior signage on the Tufts Health Sciences Campus.


Explore alumni benefits and services from the Friedman School and Tufts University.

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Four Friedman School alums standing together with welcoming smiles at an event.


Stay connected with the alumni network via your alumni association.

Network with Alumni
Two Friedman School alums seated at a desk with their laptops at a flash mentoring event.


Learn more about volunteer opportunities such as mentoring, class champions, and leadership roles.

Become a Volunteer
Detail of research scientist wearing gloves and labeling test tube.


There are so many ways to support the efforts of our students, faculty, and researchers. Make an impact and support a healthier world.

Giving Opportunities
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