We prioritize and center the value of inclusion in all we do, working to create an engaged community that prepares everyone who walks through our doors to address the structural inequities that impact nutritional wellbeing and health around the globe. Our expansive set of educational offerings opens doors to more students than ever before, and the interdisciplinary, translational research we do is designed to make real-world impact.


Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)

Accommodation Policies

Lactation Policy (PDF)

Pet, Service and Assistance Animals on Campus Policy (PDF)

Religious Accommodation Policy (PDF)

Printable Policies, Forms & Flowcharts

More Information

Emergency Resources

Office of Student Affairs

Tufts Public Safety Anti-Racism Recommendations Progress Dashboard  

Student Resources

International Students

Confidential support: If you have experienced sexual misconduct or discrimination and/or harassment, or witnessed it happening to someone else, you may want to talk to someone confidentially. - for students, staff, faculty

Talk One2One Student Assistance Program:

Talk One2One is a free counseling service. You can also schedule an in-person or telephone appointment with a trained, master’s level counselor at either the Grafton or Boston campus.
Website | 1-800-756-3124 | confidential support 24/7

Student Wellness Advisor (Boston Health Sciences students):

The Student Wellness Advisor provides short-term confidential counseling for personal problems, academic concerns, stress management, anxiety and family/interpersonal issues. Referrals can also be made for long-term confidential counseling services.

Website | 617-636-2700 | 9:30am – 5:30pm

Tufts University Chaplaincy

Through the University Chaplaincy, chaplains offer confidential pastoral care to all members of the Tufts community - students, faculty, and staff. Pastoral care provides a space for you to share your concerns in the context of your religious or spiritual beliefs. The Tufts chaplains work with many different worldview communities including the African, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, and Protestant communities.

Website | 617-627-3427 (confidential)

Center for Awareness, Resources & Education (CARE)

Website | 617-627-3752

CARE (Center for Awareness, Resources and Education) offers policy confidential trauma-informed emotional support, answers questions about the OEO process, offers accompaniment to OEO meetings and connects you to other resources. To make a policy confidential appointment in person or virtually, use our online calendar: care.tufts.edu

Food resources

Programs and Research Opportunities at Tufts

Staff and Faculty Resources

  • Training for Employees- Discrimination & Harassment
  • Confidential support: If you have experienced sexual misconduct or discrimination and/or harassment, or witnessed it happening to someone else, you may want to talk to someone confidentially - for students, staff, faculty
  • Tufts University Chaplaincy
    Website | 617-627-3427 (confidential)

Through the University Chaplaincy, chaplains offer confidential pastoral care to all members of the Tufts community - students, faculty, and staff. Pastoral care provides a space for you to share your concerns in the context of your religious or spiritual beliefs. The Tufts chaplains work with many different worldview communities including the African, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, and Protestant communities.

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
    Website | 800-648-9557

The Tufts Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers free, confidential counseling for both faculty and staff.  EAP counselors are licensed professionals experienced at helping with a wide range of personal and work-related issues. During your first conversation, the counselor will gather information, evaluate your needs, and suggest a plan of action.

Offerings and Programs:

  • Pedagogical Partnership Program: Partner with a student for a semester to create innovative strategies for enhancing student engagement, reflecting on equity, and improving learning outcomes. 
  • Mid-Term Feedback: Midway through the semester, invite CELT staff to gather feedback from students using a research-based protocol. 
  • Teaching Squares: Join a collaborative non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection 
  • Individual Consultations: With a CELT colleague, discuss your teaching goals, assess and further develop your teaching skills and identify areas where you would like to improve your teaching skills. We are also happy to observe your class and offer feedback. 
  • Tufts Springboard Funding: This intramural grant program sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) offers Tier 3 funding of up to $15,000 to support a range of research, scholarly, and/or pedagogical activities.  
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Partner with CELT to conduct a systematic inquiry research questions related to student learning that are shared publicly in peer-reviewed journals to advance the field of teaching and learning.

Online Resources:

  • Feedback from Students – Students’ feedback about their experience and learning can be collected with: surveys, informal conversations, performance on assignments and in class, end-of-the-semester exams, and through institutional student evaluations.  
  • Feedback from Colleagues – Faculty peers and learning specialists (e.g., CELT and ETScolleagues) can provide invaluable insight into your teaching through conversations, review of materials, and observations.  
  • Feedback from Self-Reflection – Self-reflection can range from informal (brief, end-of-day reflection) to formal (documentation for annual review, a teaching philosophy statement, or scholarly, data-based investigation into your teaching practices).  
  • Feedback from Scholarship – Building on teaching practices embedded in an evidence-based culture of ongoing learning assessment, reflection and iterative change, we can publish research related to student learning in peer-reviewed journals.

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