We prioritize and center the value of inclusion in all we do, working to create an engaged community that prepares everyone who walks through our doors to address the structural inequities that impact nutritional wellbeing and health around the globe. Our expansive set of educational offerings opens doors to more students than ever before, and the interdisciplinary, translational research we do is designed to make real-world impact.

Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)
- Sexual Misconduct Policies & Procedures
- Sexual Misconduct Reporting
- Sexual Misconduct Resources- Boston One Page Resource Guide (PDF)
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Report Discrimination and/or Harassment
- Reporting FAQ: What to Expect
- OEO Liaisons are specially trained staff from different schools within Tufts University. All OEO liaisons are available to receive reports from students, faculty, staff, patients, visitors and other community members regarding any type of discrimination or harassment, including sexual misconduct
- Ethics Point- Tufts University has selected EthicsPoint, Inc. to provide you with simple, risk-free ways to anonymously and confidentially report activities that may involve unethical or otherwise inappropriate activity or behavior in violation of Tufts University’s established policies and Business Conduct Policy
Pet, Service and Assistance Animals on Campus Policy (PDF)
Starting Information
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Definitions
- Seeing White Podcast
- Black Girl Dangerous
- Code Switch Podcast
- Five Pandemic Parenting Lessons with Cindy Wang Brandt
- Intersectionality Matters! with Kimberlé Crenshaw
- Pod for the Cause
- Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies
- Why it's hard for people of colour to be themselves at work
- Making the Transition from Ally to Co-conspirator
- Who Gets to Be Afraid in America?
- The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying
- My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant
- Tips for Creating Effective White Caucus Groups
- White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
- The 1619 Project
- So You Want to Talk About Race – Ijeoma Oluo
- How To Be An Antiracist – Ibram X. Kendi
- The New Jim Crow – Michelle Alexander
- Step Up and Lead for Equity: What Higher Education Can Do to Reverse Our Deepening Divides
- Does Diversity Make a Difference? Three Research Studies on Diversity in College Classrooms
- The Smart Grid for Institutions of Higher Education and the Students they Serve
- Quality Matters: Achieving Benefits Associated with Racial Diversity
- Searching for Excellence & Diversity: A Guide for Search Committees at UW-Madison
- Master Class in African American History and Culture
- Language of Appeasement
- Overcoming resistance, stimulating action and decentering white students through structural racism focused antiracism education
Please visit Diversity Syllabus for Institutions for a more comprehensive list
More Information
Tufts Public Safety Anti-Racism Recommendations Progress Dashboard
Student Resources
- Tufts University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students, staff, faculty and community members with regard to:
- Qualified disabilities (including service animals)
- Sincerely held religious beliefs
- Pregnancy and Pregnancy-Related Conditions
- Lactation
- Immunization exemptions (for sincerely held religious beliefs)
International Students
- International Student Center
- International Center Newsletters and Announcements
- Navigating Life in the US - The following information is to assist you on a variety of practical matters concerning your life in Boston and at Tufts.
- Banking and Money
- Health and Wellness
- Housing Resources
- Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Individual Taxpayer ID Numbers (ITINs)
- US Income Taxes
- Drivers Licenses and Massachusetts State ID Cards
- Safety Resources and Conduct Policies
- Avoiding Scams and Identity Theft
Confidential support: If you have experienced sexual misconduct or discrimination and/or harassment, or witnessed it happening to someone else, you may want to talk to someone confidentially. - for students, staff, faculty
Talk One2One Student Assistance Program:
Talk One2One is a free counseling service. You can also schedule an in-person or telephone appointment with a trained, master’s level counselor at either the Grafton or Boston campus.
Website | 1-800-756-3124 | confidential support 24/7
Student Wellness Advisor (Boston Health Sciences students):
The Student Wellness Advisor provides short-term confidential counseling for personal problems, academic concerns, stress management, anxiety and family/interpersonal issues. Referrals can also be made for long-term confidential counseling services.
Website | 617-636-2700 | 9:30am – 5:30pm
Tufts University Chaplaincy
Through the University Chaplaincy, chaplains offer confidential pastoral care to all members of the Tufts community - students, faculty, and staff. Pastoral care provides a space for you to share your concerns in the context of your religious or spiritual beliefs. The Tufts chaplains work with many different worldview communities including the African, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, and Protestant communities.
Website | 617-627-3427 (confidential)
Center for Awareness, Resources & Education (CARE)
Website | 617-627-3752
CARE (Center for Awareness, Resources and Education) offers policy confidential trauma-informed emotional support, answers questions about the OEO process, offers accompaniment to OEO meetings and connects you to other resources. To make a policy confidential appointment in person or virtually, use our online calendar: care.tufts.edu
Staff and Faculty Resources
- Training for Employees- Discrimination & Harassment
- Confidential support: If you have experienced sexual misconduct or discrimination and/or harassment, or witnessed it happening to someone else, you may want to talk to someone confidentially - for students, staff, faculty
- Tufts University Chaplaincy
Website | 617-627-3427 (confidential)
Through the University Chaplaincy, chaplains offer confidential pastoral care to all members of the Tufts community - students, faculty, and staff. Pastoral care provides a space for you to share your concerns in the context of your religious or spiritual beliefs. The Tufts chaplains work with many different worldview communities including the African, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, and Protestant communities.
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Website | 800-648-9557
The Tufts Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers free, confidential counseling for both faculty and staff. EAP counselors are licensed professionals experienced at helping with a wide range of personal and work-related issues. During your first conversation, the counselor will gather information, evaluate your needs, and suggest a plan of action.
- Video: Creating a Syllabus Diversity Statement Presentation
- Creating an Inclusive Virtual Space
- CELT website
- Inclusive and Equitable Teaching
- What is inclusive and equity- centered teaching?
- How do my identities and experiences impact how I teach?
- Who are the students I am teaching?
- How do I create an inclusive learning environment?
- How do I create an inclusive syllabus?
- What are inclusive and equitable teaching practices?
- What are equitable assessment practices?
- How can I better support students and their learning when challenging moments arise?
- Anti-Racist Teaching Resources
- Trauma-Informed/ Healing-Centered Engagement Teaching Resources
- CELT Programs At A Glance
- Equity & Inclusion Fellows Program: Reflect upon ways to integrate equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist practices into your teaching. (Spring, ~10 meetings)
- Pedagogical Partnership Program: Partner with a student for a semester to create innovative strategies for enhancing student engagement, increasing equity, and improving learning outcomes.
- Assessment, Grading & Equity Faculty Learning Community: Create a space for instructors to share experiences, brainstorm, and support each other in exploring new practices to increase equity and learning in their courses. (2x per month)
- Bridge program: Explore how historical legacies of racist policy and practice manifest in higher education today
Offerings and Programs:
- Pedagogical Partnership Program: Partner with a student for a semester to create innovative strategies for enhancing student engagement, reflecting on equity, and improving learning outcomes.
- Mid-Term Feedback: Midway through the semester, invite CELT staff to gather feedback from students using a research-based protocol.
- Teaching Squares: Join a collaborative non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection
- Individual Consultations: With a CELT colleague, discuss your teaching goals, assess and further develop your teaching skills and identify areas where you would like to improve your teaching skills. We are also happy to observe your class and offer feedback.
- Tufts Springboard Funding: This intramural grant program sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) offers Tier 3 funding of up to $15,000 to support a range of research, scholarly, and/or pedagogical activities.
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Partner with CELT to conduct a systematic inquiry research questions related to student learning that are shared publicly in peer-reviewed journals to advance the field of teaching and learning.
Online Resources:
- Feedback from Students – Students’ feedback about their experience and learning can be collected with: surveys, informal conversations, performance on assignments and in class, end-of-the-semester exams, and through institutional student evaluations.
- Feedback from Colleagues – Faculty peers and learning specialists (e.g., CELT and ETScolleagues) can provide invaluable insight into your teaching through conversations, review of materials, and observations.
- Feedback from Self-Reflection – Self-reflection can range from informal (brief, end-of-day reflection) to formal (documentation for annual review, a teaching philosophy statement, or scholarly, data-based investigation into your teaching practices).
- Feedback from Scholarship – Building on teaching practices embedded in an evidence-based culture of ongoing learning assessment, reflection and iterative change, we can publish research related to student learning in peer-reviewed journals.
Featured News
Diets cannot be sustainable without ensuring the well-being of communities, workers and animals in food value chains
The Friedman School's Summer Research Experience provides Tufts undergraduate students with a unique opportunity.
Tufts students, staff, and faculty contributed to the annual tradition, in partnership with the university's Boston Health Sciences campus neighbors
A new study found that Americans are eating better, but disparities persist in marginalized communities
Nicole Tichenor Blackstone examines the environmental, health, economic, and social impact of what’s on the table