Exit Strategies among Development Food Assistance Projects

Sustaining Development: A Synthesis of Results from a Four-Country Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Development Food Assistance Projects

Drs. Beatrice Rogers and Jennifer Coates have released the high-level results of a four-country, multi-year study of the sustainability of development gains from several USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP) development food assistance projects.

The study was funded by FFP and implemented through the Friedman School in partnership with the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA).

The report’s findings are relevant not only to FFP, but to other development actors as we collectively work to end hunger and extreme poverty—aspirations at the heart of the just-launched Sustainable Development Goals and central to both USAID’s mandate and the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future global hunger and food security initiative.

Read more on FANTA's website.